US Collapse: Gloomy Economy, Underemployment makes US College Grads Waiters, Bartenders, Dishwashers

July 12, 2012 (TSR) - Michael Baum took every substitute teaching job he found and has sent out hundreds of resumes since graduating from college two years ago. He never...

Syrian Pride: Steve Job’s 1995 FULL “Lost Interview” Now Found. Yes, You Read it...

July 5, 2012 (TSR) - During the making of his TV series "Triumph of the Nerds" about the birth of the PC, Robert Cringely recorded a memorable hour-long interview with...

CNN’s Anderson Cooper Comes Out: “The Fact Is, I’m Gay. I love and I...

July 3, 2012 (TSR) - Entertainment Weekly ran a story on an emerging trend: gay people in public life who come out in a much more restrained and matter-of-fact way than in...

Destroying Fallacies: Why Anti-Israelism is not Anti-Semitism

by Kourosh Ziabari, Iranian Freelance Journalist, Polyglot and Writer July 1, 2012 (TSR) - The leaders of the Israeli regime have long been after spreading this fallacy that criticizing the actions...

Secrets and lies have no place when dealing with child abuse, esp. in churches

June 20, 2012 (TSR) - A legal landmark has been passed in the US, and not the good kind – the largest-ever jury verdict for a single victim in a religious...

Fashion victims: why do glossy magazines keep glamorising violence?

June 20, 2012 (TSR) - The image here is from a beauty editorial in a Bulgarian magazine called 12. It depicts perfectly made up women who just happen to have also...

U.S. Obesity Epidemic: Organ Transplant Deficits Due to Americans Too Fat to Qualify

May 16,2012 (TSR) - Last year the number of American organ donors hit a milestone when the 100 millionth person added their name to the list. But before you boast...

Jewish Rabbinical Court Arrested Woman For Denying Husband Divorce

May 7, 2012 (TSR) - A woman who has refused for 16 years to grant her husband a divorce was put behind bars in Israel last week - the...

Fashion Revolution: Vogue Now Bans Too Thin and Skinny Models in ALL their Publications...

by Lady Michelle-Jennifer Santos, TSR Founder & Publisher, Political Strategist and Strategy/Peace Negotiator with the UN Security Council Special Envoy to the Arab Nations May 4, 2012 (TSR) - The editors...

IGNORANCE IS BLISS: By remaining unaware, people can justify trusting government, study finds

by Steven Shepherd, University of Waterloo, and Aaron C. Kay, PhD, Duke University May 2, 2012 (TSR) - The less people know about important complex issues such as the economy, energy consumption...

ROAD TO TRUE WORLD PEACE: The Seventh Annual “Fluffy Apocalypse” Pillow Fight Day 2012

April 20, 2012 (TSR) - You may well wonder what noble cause brings hundreds of Romans to the streets on the third Sunday of April every year. The answer...

Biometrics: Psychopath’s Wet Dream

February 10, 2012 (TSR)- "A biometrics-based society expresses the elite's psychopathic need to  monitor and control everyone". Chris Goodmenbetter examines the mentality of  the "inter species predator" a.k.a. most of our "leaders." *** What...