THE US DROUGHT AND ITS IMPACT: Water-intensive fracking spared … for now

August 2, 2012 (TSR) - As the great drought of 2012 continues its turf-cracking domination of the summer, fears of the impact on the US power sector are proving empty...

US Drought Crisis: How it could impact food, water needs around the world

by  Gloria Goodale July 23, 2012 (TSR) - As the historic drought now searing more than 60 percent of the US drags on, the impact could soon be sweeping across the country and beyond. After the obvious push...

Central Asia will face water scarcity within two decades, predict experts

by Kulpash Konyrova July 23, 2012 (TSR) - Rivers crossing the territories of several countries must become a source of peace rather than discord, believe experts, who say that countries in...

Cooperatives: An Alternative to the World Economic and Food Crisis

July 21, 2012 (TSR) - A process of cooperatives is currently an alternative for development in face of the world economic crisis and neo-liberalism in the current reality of Latin...

Infographic: The Water Rich versus The Water Poor

July 17, 2012 (TSR) - Water is the most essential element to life on Earth. It is the third most traded commodity next to gold and oil. They call it BLUE...

Immunity in US, not everywhere: Monsanto Faces $7.5 Billion Payout to Brazilian Farmers

by Carmelo Ruiz-Marrero July 15, 2012 (TSR) - Monsanto, the largest seed corporation in the world, may soon have immunity in US soil, but they may still have to pay as...

2008 Memories Revived: Rain in Brazil to impact global food prices

July 12, 2012 (TSR) - The bulls are back! From Goldman Sachs to hedge funds and index traders, bets on a second global food price shock are gathering steam as bad weather...

Monsanto Immunity? New U.S. bill could make biotech companies immune to courts

July 11, 2012 (TSR) - If passed, an amendment in the Agricultural Appropriations Bill will not just allow, but require the secretary of agriculture to grant permits for planting or...

First Nations: Navajo lawmakers reject water rights settlement

July 9, 2012 (TSR) - Navajo lawmakers have rejected a settlement to recognize the tribe's water rights from the Little Colorado River basin, likely sending the tribe and its Hopi...

Why America Wars and China Invests: Africa’s VAST Water Reserves is Entire Continent’s Ticket...

July 6, 2012 (TSR) - Not long ago, the BBC reported (here) on vast reservoirs of ground water resources underlying the African continent and the critical use that this water...

Americans to Go Thirsty: U.S. House Cuts Funding for Water Programs and Infrastructure in...

July 6, 2012 (TSR) - Last week, the House Appropriations Committee, which handles the federal budget process, approved a fiscal year 2013 spending bill with significant cuts for water infrastructure...

The UK’s Potential Food Crisis

July 6, 2012 (TSR) - The Sustainable Consumption Institute research claims food which families now take for granted, such as meat and fresh vegetables, could become too expensive for many...