Francois Hollande: La France, victime de son allégeance aux USA

Les Français pensent souvent que l’économie est leur priorité et que les questions internationales ne les concernent pas directement. Ils déplorent donc le suivisme de leurs dirigeants derrière les États-Unis, mais s’en accommodent. Pourtant, comme le montre Thierry Meyssan, ce sont bien des choix de politique étrangère qui déterminent l’actuelle mauvaise santé de l’économie française.

America, the Super-Weaponized Paranoid on Steroids: You are ALL Terrorists!

by William A. Collins August 21, 2012 (TSR) - The terrorist menace is proving quite useful to the U.S. government, much as the communist menace did many years ago. What...

Austerity: Subsidizing the Culture of Greed

by Sam Pizzigati and Scott Klinger August 20, 2012 (TSR) - A generation ago, on National Secretary’s Day, America’s top corporate executives used to take their prized office assistants out...

Top 10 Myths of the Neo-Con ‘Jobs’ Argument Against U.S. Military Cuts

From the crowd that wants to shrink government because this will create jobs, we are now hearing that we can't shrink the Pentagon because that would cost jobs. Here are the main points of their case, rebutted one by one.

America’s Descent Into Darkness Towards Nuremberg, Nazi Germany

by Morris Berman, American Cultural Historian, Author and Social Critic August 20, 2012 (TSR) - Strange things are happening in the United States these days, and every day seems to...

Ecuador Standoff: British PM Cameron Won’t Give Safe Passage to Assange

August 20, 2012 (TSR) - Downing Street has said Britain is still committed to seeking a diplomatic solution with Ecuador in the standoff over the proposed extradition to Sweden...

Wikileaks Assange: Intervención Presidente de Ecuador en sesión de la ALBA

El Presidente de la República, Rafael Correa agradeció a los Cancilleres que se reunieron en el IX Consejo Político de la ALBA, para analizar la advertencia hecha por Gran Bretaña, tras la decisión de Ecuador de conceder asilo diplomático a Julian Assange, fundado de Wikileaks.

Ecuador President to UK: ‘We will not kneel before you! You have no idea...

by Lady Michelle-Jennifer Santos, Founder and Publisher August 18, 2012 (TSR) - The Ecuadorian President, Rafael Correa Delgado, reaffirmed a basic principle on their country's sovereignty, "here is a sovereign...

Wikileaks Unveiled U.S. Strategies to Destabilize Bolivia and Latin America

by Lady Michelle-Jennifer Santos, Founder and Publisher August 18, 2012 (TSR) - The mechanisms that the US government use to damage the image of the progressive governments of Latin America...

FINAL WARNING TO WAKE UP: Central Banks, Wall Street Insiders, Soros and Govt Rapidly...

August 18, 2012 (TSR) -  If you want to figure out what is going to happen next in the financial markets, carefully watch what the insiders are doing.  Those...

MF Global and Jon Corzine Ponzi Scheme: No Criminal Charges to be Expected from...

by Azam Ahmed and Ben Protess, Dealbook Publisher's Note: MF Global and Ex-CEO Jon Corzine – the former $ trillion taxpayer-funded Goldman Sachs bailout Chief and cronies, the largest Wall Street Crime since...

Assange or MF Global’s Corrupted CEO Corzine? American Priorities are a bitch

August 18, 2012 (TSR) - The United States won’t prosecute Corzine for raiding segregated customer accounts, but will happily convene a Grand Jury in preparation for prosecuting Julian Assange for exposing the truth...