Zaatari refugee camp, Jordan (Photo: Jeff J. Mitchell / Getty Images)

Jun. 9, 2013 (TSR) – The U.S. is on record saying they oppose human trafficking. Yet, they are silent and condone their allies to do just that: Wealthy Saudi Arabian men – some of whom closely associated with the Saudi royal family – have been purchasing Syrian girls and young women for disposable sexual pleasure.

Most of the Saudis suspected of such atrocities are in their 60s and 70s, and after they became tired of the girls, they are handed down to other Saudi men, and the girls somehow just disappear, witnesses say.

Ironically, many of these women fled Syria partly due to the danger of rape from one side or the other in the conflict.

“They come into Lebanon and Jordan and go to the Syrian refugee camps where the Syrian families there have nothing,” one Lebanese source said.

“Saudis then offer $200 for girls aged nine to 14 and take them from their families. Because the families are so desperate for money, they give in to the temptation,” WND news reported.

Such reports of women being kidnapped, assaulted or raped abound around the camp. Women say security is non existent. They are too afraid even to go to the toilet at night alone.

Last March, UK’s Channel 4 news did a ten-minute report called, “Rape and sham marriages: the fears of Syria’s women refugees” about what is happening at the the Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan, just over the Syrian border, which contains over 100,000 refugees (and with many more due to arrive).

The report also focuses on the omnipresent threat of rape, not from Syrian men in the camp but predators from the outside: Jordanians but mainly men from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf, who have descended on the camp to purchase temporary “brides,” i.e. disposable sex slaves.

Jordanian and other grown men from Gulf states usually come to harass Syrian girls from the age of six or seven. Girls are kidnapped and raped, then they bring them back to the camp.

“Given the influence the United States has over Saudi Arabia, why hasn’t your president confronted the Saudis about this?” one Syrian asked.

During a meeting of the People’s Assembly’s Freedoms and Human Rights Committee on April, the Syrian Justice Minister said that the Ministry was working on special laws regarding issues of missing and kidnapped people and mechanisms of combating terrorism and administrative corruption among others.

He noted that the Legislative Decree No. 20 for 2013 which is related to crimes of abduction has left a positive impact on citizens and restored hope to many in the return of their relatives kidnapped by the terrorist groups.

Yet, there has been no confrontation by the U.S. toward Saudi or Jordanian authorities on their practice of taking advantage of the most vulnerable – the Syrian refugee girls and young women.


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