Top 10 Myths of the Neo-Con ‘Jobs’ Argument Against U.S. Military Cuts

From the crowd that wants to shrink government because this will create jobs, we are now hearing that we can't shrink the Pentagon because that would cost jobs. Here are the main points of their case, rebutted one by one.

Assange or MF Global’s Corrupted CEO Corzine? American Priorities are a bitch

August 18, 2012 (TSR) - The United States won’t prosecute Corzine for raiding segregated customer accounts, but will happily convene a Grand Jury in preparation for prosecuting Julian Assange for exposing the truth...

US Cover-Up of Drone-Murdered Pakistani Civilians: New Evidence

by Gareth Porter August 18, 2012 (TSR) - Detailed information from the families of those killed in drone strikes in Pakistan and from local sources on strikes that have targeted mourners...

Pussy Riot: Why We with Russians and Putin Don’t Give a Damn with what...

by Tony Cartalucci Publisher's Note: US vehemently reacts against the Russian Court's verdict of Pussy Riot of 2 years. Russian FM notes that the punishment is less than what Germany...

Hollywood “Pretty Woman” Mogul Involved in Israeli Nuclear Smuggling Ring Confirmed by FBI Docs

by Richard Silverstein August 17, 2012 (TSR) - This story sort of snuck up on me.  I admit I read Grant Smith’s original story at and at first it...

Mainstream Media: Further Decline in Credibility Ratings for Most News Organizations

August 17, 2012 (TSR) - For the second time in a decade, the believability ratings for major news organizations have suffered broad-based declines. In the new survey, positive believability...

Libya down, Soon Iran: Strategic calculations behind U.S. agenda on Syria

August 17, 2012 (TSR) - With the deadly Syrian turmoil dragging on, the confrontation between the United States and Iran over the convoluted crisis is gradually rising to the...

Iran is Least of Israel’s Worries, Netanyahu is now King Bibi with Revised gov’t...

Revised Israeli government protocol gives PM Netanyahu unprecedented powers that has made everyone shiver within domestic and outside of its borders. Ministers approve dramatic amendments to government protocol which enable Netanyahu to root out opposition to fateful decisions, delay implementation of approved decisions.

Protecting Children’s Innocence: All Russian TV Channels Required to Rate Content by Age Group...

Starting on Sept. 1, all Russian TV channels will be required to rate their programs as appropriate for certain ages. Now they are preparing to introduce the 12+, 16+ and other categories. Content owners will break programming down by age group.

“Democracy”: The Dispossessed American Majority and the Pointless U.S. Elections

by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Chairman of The Institute for Political Economy and Former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy under Reagan Administration August 12, 2012 (TSR) - The...

FINAL WARNING TO WAKE UP: US Govt Makes Final Preparations Before Announcing Martial Law

by Susanna Posel August 12, 2012 (TSR) - Informants and military personnel are coming forth anonymously to confirm that martial law “is right around the corner.” However, right now we...

America: The Shining Hill turned Zionist-Jewish Fiefdom and their Two Political Servant Whores Americans...

by Khalid Amayreh August 12, 2012 (TSR) - One of the grim signs underscoring the utter corruption of the American political environment is the ongoing tuneful and vapid contest between incumbent...