Facebook blocks Palestinian Nakba Commemoration group page

The displacement, dispossession and dispersal of the Palestinian people is known to them as an-Nakba, meaning "catastrophe" or "disaster”. Nakba Day (Arabic: Yawm an-Nakba, meaning "Day of the Catastrophe") is generally commemorated on 15 May, the day after the Gregorian calendar date for Israeli Independence Day (Yom Ha'atzmaut). For the Palestinians it is an annual day of commemoration of the displacement that preceded and followed the Israeli Declaration of Independence in 1948. More than 760,000 Palestinians -- estimated today to number 4.8 million with their descendants -- were pushed into exile or driven out of their homes in the conflict surrounding Israel's creation in 1948. These refugees and their descendants number several million people today, divided between Jordan (2 million), Lebanon (427,057), Syria (477,700), the West Bank (788,108) and the Gaza Strip (1.1 million), with at least another quarter of a million internally displaced Palestinians in Israel. Around 160,000 Palestinians, who remained in Israel after 1948, now number around 1.36 million people, or 20 percent of the country's population. Facebook temporarily blocked a page overnight, run by Palestinian activitists, promoting Nakba commemoration events in Jaffa. According to the Palestinians, right-wing Israelis report violations on the group's page that results Facebook temporarily blocking the site down for several hours.

Our American Pravda: Mainstream ‘Presstitutes’ and the American Matrix

People around the world are often surprised at the extent so many educated Americans tend to believe whatever the mainstream media tells them and ignore whatever it does not, placing few constraints on even the most ridiculous propaganda. A theoretical physicist who studied under the famous scientist Stephen Hawking, Ron Keeva Unz, writes this striking account of the failure of U.S. mainstream media, regulatory, and national security organizations and subsequent coverups that leave the American public deceived. TRUTH is available but most Americans do not bother and simply draw their understanding of the world from what they are told by the major media, which overwhelmingly—almost uniformly—backed the case for war with Iraq, despite the misleading public statements, false press leaks, and even forged evidence such as the “yellowcake” documents by the Bush administration and its neoconservative allies who utilized the compliant American media to persuade our citizens that Iraq’s nonexistent WMDs posed a deadly national threat and required elimination by war and invasion. The talking heads on TV create their reality as prominent journalists across the liberal and conservative spectrum eagerly publishing the most ridiculous lies and distortions passed on to them by anonymous sources, and stampede Congress down the path to war like in Libya, now Syria and then the decades long Israeli propaganda on Iran. Most of the Americans who elected Barack Obama in 2008 intended their vote as a total repudiation of the policies and personnel of the preceding George W. Bush administration. Yet once in office, Obama’s crucial selections—Robert Gates at Defense, Timothy Geither at Treasury, and Ben Bernake at the Federal Reserve—were all top Bush officials, and they seamlessly continued the unpopular financial bailouts and foreign wars begun by his predecessor, producing what amounted to a third Bush term. The real destruction of the US Constitution, the basis for the United States, was achieved by the neoconservative George W. Bush and Obama regimes.

When You’re Stupid, You’re Stupid: Americans are Cheated and Robbed, not by ObamaCare

Lack of critical thinking qualifies as stupid. There is no shortage of examples of stupidity in America. Americans are stupid because they take it. The deficit in America is not because of Obamacare, it has not even gone into effect. It is merely propaganda and diversion by the rightwing establishment and their media. It does not dawn on Americans that running of two major wars on the credit card has contributed to the economic collapse. Neither is the debate on the preferential immigration rules with highly skilled people whom poor nations have invested millions of dollars of training that America wants to drain. The problem there is the American education system. Americans wonder why people around the world hate them. It is because they are the ones terrorizing nations. Americans are stupid because they ignore this TRUTH, are distracted by stupid things and lacking focus in solving the root cause of their problems as Rodolfo Acuna, a professor emeritus at California State University Northridge, passionately puts it.

Syria’s ‘Chemical Weapons’. Who Should You Believe: The UN Investigator or USA?

Neoconservatives planned regime change in Syria – and throughout the Middle East and North Africa – 20 years ago. And carrying out acts of violence and blaming it on the Syrian government as an excuse for regime change – i.e. false flag terror – was discussed over 50 years ago by British and American leaders. TRUTH has been swept under the rug by the Americans for decades thanks to their mainstream media accomplices. The American government has previously falsely blamed its enemies for chemical weapons attacks. For example, the American government gave chemical weapons to Saddam Hussein which he then used on Iran and on his own Kurdish population. The American government attempted to blame Iran for the chemical weapons attack on Iraq’s Kurds just as the U.S. is trying to blame the Syrian government for the attacks in Syria. And the “rebels” in Syria that the U.S. has been arming and otherwise supporting are Al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood. Indeed, the New York Times reported last week that virtually all of the rebel fighters are Al Qaeda terrorist. But the war-hungry mainstream media – just as in Iraq – is pushing half-truths and bogus claims. So why are the Americans and the world still believing in lies? The past should teach us about the present so we can save our future.

How the Jewish People was Invented: The Deconstruction of the Zionist “Eretz Israel” Mythical...

Contrary to popular mythical belief, the "Jewish" diaspora was the consequence, not of the expulsion of the Hebrews from Palestine, but of proselytising across north Africa, southern Europe and the Middle East. The current interpretation of Jewish history was developed as talented, imaginative historians built on surviving fragments of Jewish and Christian religious memory to construct a continuous genealogy for the Jewish people. Until about 1960, the complex origins of the Jewish people were more or less reluctantly acknowledged by Zionist historiography. Thereafter, just as anyone who present factual TRUTHS, they were marginalised and finally erased from Israeli public memory and all the world's reference books since 1967 when the Israeli forces seized Jerusalem. TRUTH undermines a cornerstone of Zionist thought, which has manipulated the world to believe they are the "Jews" - the descendants of the kingdom of David - but are not - God forbid! - because they are genetically the heirs of Berber warriors or Khazar horsemen as Israeli historian and published author bluntly presents historical facts that have been suppressed for decades to manipulate the masses and always fall into the victimhood trap in order for these Khazarians get what they want from the international community and naïve Christians.

The Top Anti-Semite American Masterminds of Evil: The Main Purveyors of Islamophobia

Islamophobia is the 21st Century Anti-semitism. Zionists have twisted what "semite" truly is. Any dictionary will tell you that a Semite is a member of any of various ancient and modern peoples originating in southwestern Asia, including the Akkadians, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Arabs. Preachers like John Hagee and the free-will, Pro-Israel church people have been duped by their pastors and radio preachers to believe that the Jews are God's "chosen people." That term was started by a Presbyterian Laymen in 1956 (Read Prophecy and Politics by Grace Halsell) and it is not a biblical statement or fact. The term "Anti-Semitism" has been fostered on the non-thinking public as only alluding to the Jews which makes the modern definition a well-planned deception and propaganda. Historically, the term "Anti-Semitic" began circa 1883, just about the time the Zionists were growing in popularity calling for an established home land for the Jews. The roots of Islamophobia in America can be traced to a small, well-funded and well-connected network of “misinformation experts” who use Islamophobia as a tool to promote the Israeli Zionist agenda within the United States. $42 million from seven foundations over the past decade have helped fan the flames of anti-Muslim hate in America and that money has flowed into the hands of five key “experts” and “scholars” who comprise the central nervous system of anti-Muslim propaganda. It is time for TRUTH to strike back. The Santos Republic hereby present to you these key Masterminds and purveyors who manipulate the world, push the Islamophobia Agenda and fearmongering to further the US’s support of Israel and Zionism: Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy, David Yerushalmi of the Society of Americans for National Existence, Daniel Pipes of the Middle East Forum, Robert Spencer of both Jihad Watch and Stop Islamization of America and Steven Emerson of the Investigative Project on Terrorism. American Super-Zionist billionaire Sheldon Gary Adelson, CEO of Las Vegas Sands (Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan key donor), terrorism “expert” Evan Kohlmann, journalist Jennifer Rubin, and Emergency Committee for Israel’s founding member, Rachel Abrams additionally contribute to this network.

How Zionists fooled America and the World: The hidden history of how USA was...

While many people are led to believe that U.S. support for Israel is driven by the American establishment and U.S. national interests, the facts don't support this theory. The reality is that for decades U.S. foreign policy and defense experts opposed supporting the creation of Israel. They then similarly opposed the massive American funding and diplomatic support that sustained the forcibly established state and that provided a blank check for its aggressive expansion. They were simply outmaneuvered and eventually replaced.­

Swimming in Chum-Filled Waters: CNN Hasn’t ‘Jumped the Shark,’ It is ‘the Shark’

It is time to face facts—CNN is not a news channel. It isn’t even reality television. It has finally devolved into “reality-themed” programming. And it’s bad “reality-themed” programming, to boot. The decision-makers and number crunchers blame the public for the low quality of news programming. To them, the ratings are the Alpha and the Omega. Long gone are the days of news as a public service that secures an FCC license. No, now it’s about pulling numbers in key demographics. And profits. So, when the numbers came in on twelve hours of non-stop Poop Ship coverage and showed a 50% increase in viewership, you could almost hear the collective “I told you so” come from plush executive suites in New York and D.C. But the numbers are not as good as it sounds. At noon on Thursday, CNN started covering the ship to the exclusion of most other stories. For the whole day CNN had an average of 632,000 viewers watching at any given time, up about 50 percent versus typical Thursdays this year. MSNBC had 535,000, down slightly. Fox News remained on top with 1.38 million, up slightly. CNN’s “huge,” 50% Poop Ship spike increased their viewership to 632,000 viewers. That’s it? In a nation of 312 million people? You could run a show on The History Channel titled “Hitler’s Lower Intestine” and you’d pull more viewers than CNN did with their bizarre coverage of the cruise ship. And that “spike” also means CNN normally pulls 316,000 viewers on a Thursday. The Santos Republic pulls more readers than that in the 7 billion population with its shoestring budget.

Exposing Global Warming Hoax Hype: How trees contribute to making smog and air pollution

Call Al Gore's "Climate Change" hype for what it is, hype. Researchers have now shown how a molecule produced by trees combines with pollutants to create a potentially hazardous form of air pollution.

Pretext Required: The Motive Behind the Boston Bombing False Flag Operation

Any totalitarian government, such as the Obama administration needs to control the flow of information and make certain that people are left defenseless by seizing their guns. This article is about how the Obama administration has likely used the Boston Marathon bombing as a pretext to seize control over the internet, thus eliminating the only true form of uncensored news as Dave Hodges sheds light on the issue that is not being discussed.

A letter to Kathryn Bigelow on Zero Dark Thirty’s apology for torture

According to sources in the film industry, the more pro-military your message is, the more kinds of help you currently can get: from personnel, to sets, to technology, and unlimited funding. It is a dangerous precedent, with the "propaganda amendment" of the 2013 NDAA, signed into law by President Barack Obama, that the future will hold much more overt corruption of Hollywood and the rest of US pop culture. This "amendment" legalizes something that has been illegal for decades: the direct funding of pro-government or pro-military messaging in media, without disclosure, aimed at American citizens and peoples around the world. By peddling the lie that CIA detentions led to Bin Laden's killing, you, Kathryn Bigelow of Zero Dark Thirty, have become a Leni Riefenstahl-like propagandist of torture as award-winning author, investigative journalist and Rhodes Scholar, Naomi Wolf passionately writes with conviction on behalf of all who do not and will not condone crimes against Humanity and peace.

Cheaters and the sinister normalisation of our surveillance society

With zero outrage, a hit TV show turns snooping on private citizens into entertainment. How little we value our liberties. Cheaters' popularity is a sign that the war on privacy has largely been won by the other side - the Luciferian and Orwellian Masterminds. Glorifying militarism, surveillance videos, bugged text messages and transcripts from eavesdropped phone calls designed to normalize the surveillance society, inviting and programming ordinary citizens to accept and even embrace the role of surveillance and spying in their daily private lives. Alarmingly, this vastly influential American TV show cum social media hub cum product empire, and much of what is being shown in the mainstream media and from Hollywood, often seem to get an advantage in securing investment and a market niche – as that they are in harmony with the U.S. government's agenda, are normalizing the idea that surveillance and intrusion are facts of everyday life. Even more sad, if the story is entertaining enough, Americans no longer seem to care that their fourth amendment rights are in shreds as award-winning author, investigative journalist and Rhodes Scholar, Naomi Wolf writes.