Why is the north magnetic pole racing toward Siberia?

FindingĀ Santa Claus's home at the North Pole is easy on a globeā€”just look for the point on top where all the lines of longitude meet. But that is just...

How to detect DECEPTION with Science

This should help you in detecting warning signs that suggest deception. In our day and age, we are bombarded with public relations, image and branding, which is full of half-truths. Lie is a lie. However, this dense physical 'world' has even managed to make money off it. It is a true sign of how very low frequency we have become. We have thrown out decency, ethics, respect and love for ourselves. Bottom line: We have prostituted our Selves and this planet, all for the mighty MONEY, FLEETING STATUS SYMBOLS and POWER. We have a lot of cleaning up to do in sorting what is TRUTH, half-truth and what is blatant LIE.