If you are going to “label” me, do it with some form of intelligence. Calling me a “whiny feminist” is a complete wrong “box” and too limiting. You see, the English language is loaded against women and “humanity” is one-sided. Anglo-Saxons had one concept for “humanity” and “mankind” in large part because they had a male-dominated concept of humanity. From the perspective of people 1,000 years ago, humanity really was “a group of men.”

Case in point of how Patriarchy has shaped our “his-tory” and understanding of everything: The polite Hebrew form of address to a man is adon. When used by itself, e.g., when attracting the attention of a stranger who dropped his wallet, adon becomes adoni, with a 1st person singular possessive suffix -i, something like ‘my lord’. Notice also that G-d is address as adonay ‘Oh Lord’. There is no morphologically corresponding feminine form; a ‘lady’ or a ‘ma’am’ is addressed as gveret. However, the masculine morphological counterpart of gveret is gever, which means not ‘Mr.’ or ‘Sir’ but simply a ‘man’. Isha is a gender-inherent word for ‘woman’, it does double-duty as the word for ‘wife’. While in English an officiant pronounces a couple man and wife, in Hebrew the couple would almost be referred to as ‘husband and woman’, ba’al ve-isha. The word ba’al also means ‘owner, master’. There’s an obvious contrast between ba’al ‘husband’ (also ‘owner’) and isha ‘wife’ (also ‘woman’).

Since we are in the 21st Century, we also need language to evolve. Ergo, it’s time to expand the understanding of who we all are: WE ARE ALL PART OF THE WHOLE.

The spelling of whole with wh- was developed in the early 15th century and was for disambiguation with hole. The etymological source of the adjective whole is the Old English form hal meaning ‘entire, unhurt, healthy’, which can be traced, in turn, to a reconstructed Proto-Germanic *khailaz meaning ‘undamaged’. Cognate words from other Germanic languages — all deriving from the same *khailaz — include the Old Saxon hel, Old Norse heill, Old Frisian hal, Middle Dutch hiel, Modern Dutch heel, Old High German and modern German heil meaning ‘salvation, welfare’. The English word whole is a cognate of the Slavic forms and can be traced to the reconstructed Proto-Slavic form *kajlu ‘whole, healthy’. If we dig beyond the Germanic roots of the English whole, we can trace it to the Proto-Indo-European source, reconstructed alternatively as *koylo- or *koilas.

Therefore, it is time to change our hyponyms and etymological fallacies for these two genders and of our understanding of “humanity”. “Humanity” does not fully embrace the full spectrum of our Existence, nor does the word “woman”.

The appropriate word is KOYLO, which means undamaged, or healthy, for the “Whole”.

For both “man” and “woman”: Greek transliteration: pleres; Simplified transliteration: pleres is both masculine and feminine.

For “humanity”: Transliteration: plérés; Phonetic Spelling: (play’-race).

Both “pleres” and “plérés” means COMPLETE; lacking nothing, perfect.

This is the “Whole-story”: WOMEN ARE FULL EQUAL TO MEN, just like Yin and Yang. Thus, Women and Men, individually, are Part of the Whole. Yes, I am defending women, Patriarchal people.

So you may call me “Meronymist” because meronym means part of a Whole. As for the “whiny”, an adjective for “complain”, meaning “to express dissatisfaction, pain, and uneasiness”, I think it is appropriate considering Women’s rights on this planet have been hijacked for millenias.


Lady Michelle Jennifer Santos is the Founder and Owner of TheSantosRepublic. A motivational speaker, she also specialises in high finance, commodities, strategy and geopolitics. Her Twitter is @mj_santos and Facebook/ladymjsantos

You can follow TSR on Twitter: santosrepublic and Facebook/TheSantosRepublic.


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