This report accounts old original copies of mainstream newspapers, flyers, and various clippings from 1869-present to show how historical revisionism is done using mainstream media and “experts”, and the sinister motivations behind the genocide of Palestinians and the illegal occupation of Palestine lands just to fulfill a self-serving Zionist “prophecy” at the extremely tragic expense of innocent Muslims, Christian natives and Palestinians, as well as the hijacking of everyone’s better judgment around the world for over 100 years.

History provides insight into past political trends and helps predict political implications of the present. Revisionism can be used to cultivate specific politically motivated myths – sometimes with official consent. Self-taught, amateur, or dissident academic historians manipulate or misrepresent historical accounts to achieve deliberate political ends.

Historical revisionism is conducted to influence a target’s ideology or politics for a particular purpose. Revisionists understand Plato’s dictum that, “those who tell the stories also hold the power”. Sometimes the purpose is as innocent as wanting to sell more books or attract attention with a startling headline. Often, however, that purpose is to achieve a nation’s aims by transferring war guilt, demonizing an enemy, providing an illusion of victory, or preserving friendship.

History is a tool that contributes to the shaping of national identity, cultures, and memories. Through the study of history, individuals are imbued with a particular identity. By revising history, therefore, one has the ability to specifically craft that ideological identity. Because historians are credited as people who single-mindedly pursue truth, revisionist historians capitalize on the profession’s credibility and present their pseudohistory as true scholarship. By adding a measure of credibility to their work, their ideas are more readily accepted in the public mind. To an extent, historical revisionism is recognized as ‘truth-seekers’ finding different truths to fit the needed political, social, or ideological context.

Most (if not all) of the techniques used in historical revisionism are for deception or denial. The specific techniques of historical revisionism vary from using forged documents as genuine sources (or inventing reasons to distrust genuine documents), to exploiting opinions by taking them out of their historical context. Other techniques include manipulating statistical series to support the given point of view, and deliberately mis-translating texts into other languages. Instead of submitting their work to peer review, revisionists rewrite history to support an agenda, and often use fallacies to obtain the desired results. Because historical revisionism can be used to deny, deceive, or influence explanations and perceptions, it can be regarded as a technique of propaganda. Finally, techniques of historical revisionism operate within the intellectual battlespace in order to advance an interpretation or perception of history.



“The Hebrew word for ‘ye shall return’(TaShuVU), seems to have been spelled incorrectly. Grammatically it requires another (vav). It ought to read (TaShUVU). Why is it lacking the letter (vav) which stands for six. [TaShuVU] without the vav is a prediction to the Jewish people of ultimate return to their national homeland. TaShuVU in numbers adds up to 708: tav=400, shin=300, vei=2, vey=6. When we write the year, we ignore the millennia. In 1948 on the secular calendar, we witnessed the miracle of Jewish return to Israel. On the Hebrew calendar it was the year 5708. That was the year predicted by the incomplete word (TaShuVu), you shall return. We did return, lacking 6 – an all important 6 million of our people who perished in the holocaust. Yet the fulfillment of the prediction of return in precisely that year implied by the gematria of TaShuVU gives us firm hope that the words of the prophets for Final Redemption will come true as well.”

Here are two additional commentaries on the origins of the “Six Million” from History & Scriptural Origins of the Six Million Number:

[Quote 1] Jewish prophecies in the Torah require that 6 million Jews must “vanish” before the state of Israel can be formed. “You shall return minus 6 million.” That’s why Tom Segev, an Israeli historian, declared that the “6 million” is an attempt to transform the Holocaust story into state religion. Those six million, according to prophecy, had to disappear in “burning ovens”, which the judicial version of the Holocaust now authenticates. As a matter of fact, Robert B. Goldmann writes: “. . . without the Holocaust, there would be no Jewish State.” A simple consequence: Given six million Jews gassed at Auschwitz who ended up in the “burning ovens” (the Greek word holocaust means burned offerings), therefore, the prophecies have now been “fulfilled” and Israel can become a “legitimate state”. –Unknown

[Quote 2] Regarding the ‘six million’ number you should know the following: In the Hebrew text of the Torah prophesies, one can read “you shall return”. In the text the letter “V” or “VAU” is absent, as Hebrew does not have any numbers; the letter V stands for the number 6. Ben Weintraub, a religious scientist, learned from rabbis that the meaning of the missing letter means the number is ’6 million’. The prophesy then reads: You will return, but with 6 million less. See Ben Weintraub: “The Holocaust Dogma of Judaism”, Cosmo Publishing, Washington 1995, page 3. The missing 6 million must be so before the Jews can return to the Promised Land. Jahweh sees this as a cleaning of the souls of the sinful people. The Jews must, on the return to the Promised Land, be clean — the cleaning shall be done in burning stokes. — A Correspondent

auschwitz facts

Red Cross and East German government figures put the total deaths at every camp as 272.000, and 282,000 respectively which includes homosexuals, communists, gypsies, murderers, paedophiles etc.

The Myth of “6 Million”

The 6 Million figure is a Kabbalist number, a magickal figure which featured in news papers in the early 1900’s.

This myth has been wielded by Jewish zealots as an ideological sledgehammer to club Gentiles over the head with any time non-Jews dare criticise or oppose the global banditry and menacing influence of the self-professed “Chosen People”.

Below are reproductions of many press clippings and articles featuring the cabalistic 6,000,000 number, dating back to the year 1900. Note the ceaseless references to “6,000,000 Jews”, the continuous begging for money and land (Palestine), and the term “holocaust” used well before the events of the 1940s. It is also noteworthy that the authors of the vast majority of these propaganda articles were the richest of Wall Street’s Jewish bankers as well as leaders of Zionist pressure groups — Schiffs and Warburgs among them. (More examples can be found here, here and here; credit also goes to this blogger for unearthing many of these article clippings).

1900: The Kick Start

American Zionist leader, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, let slip the Zionist agenda by promoting public sympathy for Zionism (Jewish takeover of Palestine).

“There are 6,000,000 living, bleeding, suffering arguments in favor of Zionism.”
(“ZIONISTS’ MASS MEETING: Rabbi Wise’s Address.” New York Times. June 11, 1900.)



Under its entry on “anti-Semitism”, the tenth edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica references “Six Million Jews” of Rumania and Russia being “systematically degraded.”



A Jewish preacher declares that if the (Jewish-led) Communist uprising in Russia succeeds in its long-time goal of overthrowing the Tsarist government, Zionism would be obsolete. “6,000,000 Jews” is mentioned.


The New York Times reports: “From 1890 to 1902 he caused 6,000,000 Jewish families to be expelled from Russia.”



A Jewish publicist addresses an audience in Germany where he claimed that the Russian Government had a “solution of the Jewish Question” and that this solution entailed the “murderous extermination” of “6,000,000 Jews.” Of course, the Russians never had any such plans but the fictional story was resurrected during WWII with the Germans being on the receiving end of these slanderous accusations this time around.


As a side note: 1906 was the year after the first Jewish-led Communist uprising in Russia had failed. This lame sob story was nothing more than a ploy to distract public attention from the fact that the Communist-led upheaval that took place in Russia a year earlier was the handiwork of his fellow Jews who perpetrated widespread atrocities against Russian patriots (anti-Communists).


Donmeh Jews organize a coup d’etat in the Ottoman Empire and seize power from the Sultan.


In the American Jewish Committee’s annual report it is claimed that since 1890 Russia has had a policy to “expel or exterminate” Six Million Jews. (Source: American Jewish Yearbook pg. 15)



Max Nordau, co-founder of the World Zionist Organization together with Theodore Herzl, made an astonishing pronouncement at the tenth Zionist Congress in Basle, Switzerland. He claimed that 6,000,000 Jews would be annihilated. This was twenty-two years before Hitler came to power and three years before World War I started.



The bloodbath of World War I kicks off and the Jews are already whining that “6,000,000 Jews” are in danger.



Jewish leader Louis Marshall proclaims: “In the world today there are about 13,000,000 Jews, of whom more than 6,000,000 are in the heart of the war zone: Jews whose lives are at stake and who today are subjected to every manner of suffering and sorrow…”


The crypto-Jewish “Young Turks” orchestrate a mass murder of 1.5 million Armenian Christians, as well as 250,000 Greek and Assyrian Christians.


Jewish lobbyists convince the British government to support the Zionist project of making Palestine the national homeland for the Jews. British official James Arthur Balfour decrees the “Balfour Declaration.” The letter is addressed to Zionist big-wig Lord Rothschild.


This very same year radical Jewish Marxists take control of Russia in the Bolshevik Revolution establishing the first Zionist state, the “Soviet Union.” Czar Nicholas II, along with his wife and children, are kidnapped by Jews, then shot and bayoneted. The “revolution” was led by the Jews’ Leon Trotsky, Lazar Kaganovich, Lev Kamanev, Grigory Zinoviev, Jacob Sverdlov, Moisei Uritsky, Alexander Parvus, Karl Radek, and the philosemitic part-Jew Vladimir Lenin, who all receivedfinancing from capitalist Jewish international bankers: Jacob Schiff, Max Warburg and ultimately the Rothschild’s. The Communist Jews and their pawns would go on a six decade long reign of terror. Some 40 million Russian and Eastern European Gentiles would perish in Gulags, death camps, mass executions and via man-made famines under Jewish Communist ruler-ship.



“Six million souls” need a billion dollars.


The British take control of Palestine, and occupy the country militarily. Eventually the British Mandate for Palestine is administered, against the will of the Arabs living there.

This same year Jewish Communist leader Grigory Zinoviev announces plans for the annihilation of 10,000,000 Russians.



Shortly after the end of World War I hostilities, Zionists claim a “Holocaust” of “Six Million Jews” is imminent in Europe in a deceitful campaign to raise money for Jewish charities and also to distract public attention from the Jewish origins of Communism, the Bolshevik atrocities in Russia and the Armenian Genocide.





A Jewish relief campaign advertisement states: “Today 6,000,000 Jews are facing the darkest days ever known in the history of the race.”

Tulsa Daily World. Sunday, April 11, 1920. Section B. Page 14.
Tulsa Daily World. Sunday, April 11, 1920. Section B. Page 14.


Russian patriots gain ground on the Jewish Bolshevik usurpers of their nation. In a vein attempt to hide their heavy involvement in the brutal Bolshevist atrocities being committed in Russia, Jews reel out the “six million” myth once again.



Zionist leader, Nahum Sokolow, boasts about Organized Jewry’s globalist ambitions when, at a Zionist conference in Carlsbad, California, he proclaimed: “The League of Nations is a Jewish idea, and Jerusalem some day will become the capital of the world’s peace.”



Clipping from Montreal Gazette, 1931.
Clipping from Montreal Gazette, 1931.


Jews commit a deliberate genocide. To put down nationalist resistance to a Communist takeover, Soviet Dictator Josef Stalin orders the Jewish-dominated Soviet Secret Police (NKVD) to orchestrate a man-made famine in the Ukraine. Stalin’s Jewish deputies and secret police chiefs (Kaganovich, Beria, Yagoda, etc) ruthlessly implement the murderous starvation policy. Between six and seven million Ukrainian men, women and children, are annihilated in this genuine Holocaust. It is now known as the “Holodomor.”



Hitler comes to power in Germany. Antithetical to Jewish banking interests which thrives off of usury (the lending of money at interest making debt-slaves out of countries), Hitler immediately begins printing his own state-controlled, labor-backed currency and thus breaking the death-grip of the monolithic Jewish banking establishment of Europe, led by the Rothschild’s and the Warburg’s. Hitler also removed Jews from all positions in government, media, education and banks, which they had been dominating up until that point.


Because of this World Jewry declares war on Germany in 1933. Jews around the world launched a global economic boycott of German goods in an effort to economically strangle Germany to death and topple Hitler’s new government.
 This act of treachery leads to widespread dislike of Jews in Germany and foments tension between Jews and German Gentiles. For this act, and for the Jews’ well-known support for Communism and substantial involvement in the bloody Bolshevik Revolution, the Nazis declare Jews “enemies of the state” eventually interning them in concentration camps and labor camps during the Second World War. Almost the same thing happened to Japanese-Americans after Pearl Harbor. Although, unlike the Jews, Japanese people never waged an economic war on America, they were interned in American concentration camps simply for their ethnicity.
As early as 1936, Zionists who originally coined the phrase Final Solution of The Jewish Question, somehow knew exactly 6,000,000 Jews had “neither hope nor future.
Jews continue to agitate for Palestine. The New York Times reported that Zionist groups were desperately lobbying American Christian leaders, Christian organizations, and the British government, demanding assistance in the creation of a “Jewish nation in Palestine” to save the Jews from “the European Holocaust.” These strikingly prophetic statements were made years before the creation of ghettos or concentration camps and over three years before the German invasion of Poland.
Jewish leaders meet to discuss their schemes, swindles and sinister conspiracies. “Six Million Hebrews” is mentioned in the article title. View full spread here.
Jew propagandists amp up the “Six Million” as World War II draws closer.

 This article references “five or six million Jews uprooted by dictatorships” and calls for them to be settled in the “Holy Land” (Palestine). View full spread here.



Poland, under British influence, refuses to concede to Hitler any of his relatively modest territorial demands. Hitler sought to recover the territory stripped away from Germany and given to Poland at the end of WWI; specifically the formerly German city of Danzig. Hitler also demanded an autobahn in the Danzig corridor connecting the German mainland to East Prussia. Poland categorically refused all of Hitler’s somewhat reasonable demands.
Hitler wanted back the German city of Danzig and an autobahn through the Danzig corridor connecting the German mainland to East Prussia. Poland, under British/Jewish direction, refused to acquiesce to Hitler’s modest demands.
Hitler wanted back the German city of Danzig and an autobahn through the Danzig corridor connecting the German mainland to East Prussia. Poland, under British/Jewish direction, refused to acquiesce to Hitler’s modest demands.

In September Poland is invaded from the west by Germany and from the east by the Soviet Union. Britain and France immediately declare war on Germany, supposedly because of Hitler’s invasion of Poland. However, Britain and France didnot declare war on the Soviet Union who also had invaded Poland and then attacked Finland a few months later.

The reason the Allies only found fault with Germany for invading Poland, and not the Soviets, was because the USSR was under Jewish rule, and had been since 1917. The purpose of WWII all along was not to free Poland but to destroy Germany, who had broken loose from the grip of the Jews. The Allies, who originally claimed to be concerned for Poland’s sovereignty, dumped Poland, along with the rest of Eastern Europe, off to the Soviet-Communist butchers at the end of the war! This Allied betrayal proves that the Allies never cared about Poland at all. Poland was nothing more than a pawn used by the Allied warmongers to sucker the Third Reich into a war.

The Allies, who waged war on Germany in 1939 using as a justification the excuse that Germany breached Polish sovereignty by invading, DUMPED Poland off to Stalin and the Communist butchers who had murdered 22,000 Poles in the Katyn Forest in 1940!
The Allies, who waged war on Germany in 1939 using as a justification the excuse that Germany breached Polish sovereignty by invading, DUMPED Poland off to Stalin and the Communist butchers who had murdered 22,000 Poles in the Katyn Forest in 1940!

Meanwhile Jews were whining about “Six Million” helpless victims in February, seven months before the war even started. View full spread here.

Over half a year before the war began Jews were already squawking about “6,000,000 helpless victims of persecution.”
Over half a year before the war began Jews were already squawking about “6,000,000 helpless victims of persecution.”

Chaim Weizmann turns up again and proclaims: “The fate of six million people was in the balance”.


A Jewish newspaper, The Jewish Criterion, predicts that “the coming world war would be the annihilation of six million Jews in East and Central Europe.” More here.



Jewish leader Nahum Goldmann predicts “Six Million” Jewish victims before Nazi concentration camps have even fully completed construction.



An American Jew named Theodore Newman Kaufman devises a plan for the extermination of all Germans through forced sterilization. He publishes his evil aspiration to annihilate the German people in a book called “Germany Must Perish!” This Jewish “Final Solution” to Germans is praised by Jewish-owned publications in America.

germany must perish


British Jew, Victor Gollancz, predicts 6,000,000 Jewish deaths.



A Zionist organization, The American Jewish Committee, claims the Nazis had set in motion a plan to kill 6,000,000 Jews.

The Zionist propaganda build up nearing the end of the war.


Ben Hecht, a Hollywood screenwriter and Zionist Jew, floats out the “Six Million” lie in Reader’s Digest Magazine. He would later go on to support the Zionist terrorist group Irgun in Palestine by writing propaganda and fund-raising.


During the Nazi offensive on the eastern front, German soldiers discover the mass graves of some of the 22,000 Polish military officers and intelligentsia who were murdered and then buried in mass graves in the Katyn Forest by the Soviets in 1940. The insidious Allies knew their “gallant Soviet ally” was a mass murderer but kept quiet about it. When it could no longer be kept hidden from the public they then tried to blame the atrocity on the Germans!


In September of 1944, eight months before the end of WWII, U.S. Communist (Jewish) Union leaders prematurely proclaim that nearly Six Million Jews have been killed, long before that could have been known or calculated.


In late 1944, half a year before the official end of the war, at least three newspapers printed stories informing us of the mythical deaths of “six million Jews.” All of these propaganda articles were based on the lies of Ilya Ehrenburg, a Jewish propagandist in the USSR.


The New York Times reports that Jewish groups were urging the governments of Britain and America to launch gas attacks against the Nazis.



In January, still many months prior to the end of the war, before any official body count for any group could have reasonably been calculated or ascertained, Zionists proclaim exactly “Six Million Jews” had died. (more premature ’6,000,000 Jews have died’ pronouncements).


Ilya Ehrenburg, a notorious Jewish Propagandist in the USSR who agitated for genocide against Germans and incited themass rape of German women by the Red Army, prematurely proclaimed that “the world now knows that Germany has killed Six Million Jews” before anyone could have known that was the number.

Jewish Communist devil, Ilya Ehrenburg, prematurely announces 6,000,000 Jews killed, thus exposing himself as a fraud and the holocaust as a premeditated hoax.

Ehrenburg, along with another Communist Jew propagandist Vasily Grossman, are considered by many revisionists to be the brains behind the Holocaust Hoax. Together they penned “The Black Book,” a work of pure fiction inundated with unconscionable anti-German hate propaganda horror stories that are physically impossible, and have since been thoroughly discredited.

Communist Jew demons, Ilya Ehrenburg and Vassily Grossman.
Communist Jew demons, Ilya Ehrenburg and Vassily Grossman.

At a March 1945 Congressional Hearing, Joseph Thon, representing The National Organization of Polish Jews in America,stated to the committee:

“The German people murdered, in cold blood, in excess of 6,000,000 European Jews … I accuse the whole German people that in the years 1939 to 1945 they slaughtered upward of 15,000,000 men, among which there were 6,000,000 Jews.”

Zionist liar, Joseph Thon, let slip the “6,000,000 Jews have died” hoax a bit too early. These propagandists just can’t help themselves can they?
Zionist liar, Joseph Thon, let slip the “6,000,000 Jews have died” hoax a bit too early. These propagandists just can’t help themselves can they?

More newspaper clippings from 1945 telling us exactly 6,000,000 Jews had been killed, before any official body count could have been accurately ascertained.



In May of 1945 the New York Times reported that “more than 6,000,000 people” had been “liberated” from Nazi concentration camps. Read full article here.

The New York Times reports 6,000,000 had been liberated, not killed. OOPS! Whoever put that there must have been fired.
The New York Times reports 6,000,000 had been liberated, not killed. OOPS! Whoever put that there must have been fired.


A year after the war Jews are already spouting the “six million” myth as fact.


Meanwhile, as the Jews whine about a some “Holocaust” in Europe, Zionist terrorist groups wreak havoc in Palestine slaughtering Arab men, women and children, at will, like the massacre at Deir Yassin.

Inhuman Jewish terror agents of the Irgun ruthlessly slaughtered Arab women and babies, then mutilated their corpses in the Palestinian village of Deir Yassin.
Inhuman Jewish terror agents of the Irgun ruthlessly slaughtered Arab women and babies, then mutilated their corpses in the Palestinian village of Deir Yassin.

In 1946, Jewish Terror agents from the cutthroat Irgun terrorist network in Palestine, led by the mass murderer Menachem Begin (who would later become the Prime Minister of Israel), blow up the King David Hotel, disguised as Arabs. 91 people are killed, 28 of the victims were British officials. The British were the real target of the bombing as the hotel was the headquarters for the British military command.

Begin the beast; terrorist leader of the Irgun; mastermind of the King David Hotel bombing in 1946 and other atrocities; Prime Minister of Israel. Worse than any beast.
Begin the beast; terrorist leader of the Irgun; mastermind of the King David Hotel bombing in 1946 and other atrocities; Prime Minister of Israel. Worse than any beast.


Over the course of two years Zionist Jews obliterate 419 Arab villages and build Jewish settlements in their place. This process of ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their own homeland by Jews continues to this very day.

The Zionist colonization and ethnic cleansing of Palestine — a crime against humanity that goes unpunished and is, in fact, supported by many Western governments.
The Zionist colonization and ethnic cleansing of Palestine — a crime against humanity that goes unpunished and is, in fact, supported by many Western governments.


The Encyclopedia Britannica prints its 1963 edition, within which it states that 2,000,000 people, mostly Jews, were exterminated by the Nazis in Mauthausen, a concentration camp in Austria. This absurd figure has been officially revised quite a lot. Now it is claimed that only 95,000 people died in Mauthausen, of which only 14,000 were Jews. An exaggeration of 1,905,000! (more info) This camp is no longer considered by official sources who support the holocaust legend as an “extermination camp,” nor is it still claimed that any camps on German soil were either.



The influential Zionist leader Nahum Goldmann, co-founder and long-time head of the World Jewish Congress, publishes a book about Jews, The Jewish Paradox. In the book Goldmann candidly admits on pages 122 and 123 that years before the end of the second World War two influential co-conspiring Jews conceived the idea of a post-war Nuremberg show-tribunal and “German reparations” to be paid out to the Jews. Goldmann describes how he, and his fellow conniving Zionists at the World Jewish Congress, intended the reparations swindle to finance Jewish settlement in Palestine after the war.

Goldmann admits the swindle.
Goldmann admits the swindle.


The Allied Nuremberg Trial indictment charged the Nazis with murdering 4,000,000 people at Auschwitz. This figure was printed on the plaques displayed to tourists visiting Auschwitz, and the figure was repeated as “fact” by governments, historians, journalists, politicians, and all authority figures, for 45 years. In 1990 it was all exposed as a big lie when the Auschwitz State Museum officially revised the death toll from 4,000,000 down to 1.1 million, of which 960,000 are claimed to be Jews. (source)

Auschwitz death toll reduced to a million, yet sacred “Six Million” figure remains unchanged and is still repeated by Jews.
Auschwitz death toll reduced to a million, yet sacred “Six Million” figure remains unchanged and is still repeated by Jews.
The original plaques were removed and replaced with new ones sporting the “new” fake figure of 1.5 million. That’s at least 2.5 million people erased from the official death toll overnight. They can’t even make up their mind about what the new figure should be. This should tell you right away that they are just making it up as they go along.
The original plaques were removed and replaced with new ones sporting the “new” fake figure of 1.5 million. That’s at least 2.5 million people erased from the official death toll overnight. They can’t even make up their mind about what the new figure should be. This should tell you right away that they are just making it up as they go along.

The Nuremberg Trial indictment charged the Nazis with killing 1,500,000 people at Majdanek, a camp in Poland. This ridiculous figure was conjured by Saul Hayes, a Canadian journalist in the pay of a Canadian Zionist organization, the Canadian Jewish Congress. It is now claimed that only 79,000 people died in this camp, officially. An exaggeration of 1,421,000!


Despite substantial reductions in the official death toll’s of Mauthausen, Auschwitz and Majdanek, the mythical and obviously false “Six Million” figure is never revised and continues to be peddled by Zionist Jews everywhere. That’s because it has religious significance to Jews and fulfills their delusional ancient Torah prophecies. The Holocaust™ is nothing more than a religion to inoculate the “Goyim”.

Also in 1990, another Holocaust myth was vanquished; that being the preposterous lie that the Nazis used the skin of Jews to make “lampshades” and their fat to make “human soap.” Jewish groups in Israel have confessed that this widespread rumor was a myth.

Despite this admission, there are still Jews today going around claiming that this actually occurred.

Two Zionist Holocaust promoters, Deborah Lipstadt and Professor Peter Novick, both have stated in their books that Simon Wiesenthal, the infamous “Nazi hunter” and pathological liar, outright invented the “five million non-Jewish deaths” that supposedly happened in the Holocaust as a marketing ploy to garner interest of Non-Jews in the Holocaust religion, also known as “Holocaustianity.”

The revisionists estimate that the combined death toll in all German concentration camps was somewhere between 300,000 to 500,000. Of that amount about half the victims were Jews. Unlike the comical and discredited “6,000,000?, this figure is based on solid documentation, including the reports released by the International Red Cross who inspected the camps, theAuschwitz death registries released to the Soviet archives in 1990 (which recorded only 69,000 deaths in Auschwitz), and other evidence. The main cause of death was the typhus epidemic and starvation.

After decades of careful forensic investigation, scientific analysis, and intense study, scholarly revisionists have allocated the “gas chambers,” “steam chambers,” “electrocution conveyor belts,” “suffocation rooms,” “pedal-driven-brain-bashing-devices,” “Jew bone powder used for construction,” and other absurdities to the realm of science fiction. (See:,,, Winston Smith Ministry of Truth)

A report from the International Red Cross Tracing Service that tallied a total of just under 300,000 German concentration camp victims. Main cause of death: Typhus
A report from the International Red Cross Tracing Service that tallied a total of just under 300,000 German concentration camp victims. Main cause of death: Typhus



In 1991, a leading Jewish Freemason let slip the agenda behind the Holocaust religion. Ian J. Kagedan, an official for the Canadian branch of Bnai B’rith (a secretive organization founded in New York City in 1843 by Jewish Freemasons), told us:

“Memory of the Holocaust is central to the new world order. …Achieving our quest of a “new world order” depends on our learning the Holocaust’s lessons.”

Jewish Freemason admits Holocaust story a vehicle for Jewish World Domination.
Jewish Freemason admits Holocaust story a vehicle for Jewish World Domination.

The New York Times “6,000,000” References from 1869-1945

"6 million". 34 appearances. New York Times.
“6 million”. 34 appearances. New York Times.
The “6,000,000” Fundraising Flyers
Fundraising for the "6 million Jews" in 1919.
Fundraising for the “6 million Jews” in 1919.



Five early Jewish “holocausts” from New York Times from 1903 to 1941
Pre- World War II “6, 000,000” references in various American mainstream media
From top left: New York Tribune, October14, 1915; New York Tribune, August 29, 1920; Deseret Evening News (Utah) March 17, 1908; El Paso Herald Weekend Edition, April 22/23, 1916; The Watchman and Southron, April 5, 1919; The Ogden Standard Examiner, August 20, 1920.
Today, the world is duped into giving limitless aid and blind support to Israel, esp. Americans and Europe.
Jeremy M. Sharp, MA, Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs at The Congressional Research Service (CRS), in an Apr. 11, 2014 CRS report titled “U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel,” available at, wrote:

“Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II. To date, the United States has provided Israel $121 billion (current, or non-inflation-adjusted, dollars) in bilateral assistance. Almost all U.S. bilateral aid to Israel is in the form of military assistance, although in the past Israel also received significant economic assistance…

The FY2014 Consolidated Appropriations Act (P.L. 113-76) provides the President’s full $3.1 billion request in FMF for Israel. In addition, it provides another $504 million in funding for research, development, and production of Israel’s Iron Dome anti-rocket system ($235 million) and of the joint U.S.-Israel missile defense systems David’s Sling ($149.7 million), the Arrow improvement program (or Arrow II, $44.3 million), and Arrow III ($74.7 million).

For FY2015, the Administration is requesting $3.1 billion in FMF [Foreign Military Financing] to Israel and $10 million in Migration and Refugee Assistance. The Missile Defense Agency’s FY2015 request for joint U.S.-Israeli programs is $96.8 million. The Administration also is requesting $175.9 million for Iron Dome…

Israel is the largest recipient of U.S. Foreign Military Financing. For FY2015, the President’s request for Israel would encompass approximately 55% of total FMF funding worldwide. Annual FMF grants to Israel represent 23% to 25% of the overall Israeli defense budget.”

Richard H. Curtiss, Co-Founder and Executive Editor of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs (WRMEA) at the time of the quote, in a Jan. 5, 2011 article titled “The Cost of Israel to U.S. Taxpayers: True Lies about U.S. Aid to Israel,” published on the Media Monitors Network (MMN) website, wrote:

“After the United States, the principal donor of both economic and military aid to Israel is Germany.

By far the largest component of German aid has been in the form of restitution payments to victims of Nazi atrocities. But there also has been extensive German military assistance to Israel during and since the Gulf war, and a variety of German educational and research grants go to Israeli institutions. The total of German assistance in all of these categories to the Israeli government, Israeli individuals and Israeli private institutions has been some $31 billion or $5,345 per capita…”

According to,  the U.S. provides Israel $10.2 million* in military aid each day, while it gives the Palestinians $0** in military aid.

“Since the October War in 1973, Washington has provided Israel with a level of support dwarfing the amounts provided to any other state. It has been the largest annual recipient of direct U.S. economic and military assistance since 1976 and the largest total recipient since World War ll. Total direct U.S. aid to Israel amounts to well over $140 billion in 2003 dollars. Israel receives about $3 billion in direct foreign assistance each year, which is roughly one-fifth of America’s entire foreign aid budget. In per capita terms, the United States gives each Israeli a direct subsidy worth about $500 per year. This largesse is especially striking when one realizes that Israel is now a wealthy industrial state with a per capita income roughly equal to South Korea or Spain.”

– John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt
“The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy”

Source: The Congressional Research Service’s report “U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel,” written by Jeremy M. Sharp, Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs, dated June 10, 2015.

According to the report, the Obama Administration gave Israel $3.1 billion for Fiscal Year 2015 in direct bilateral military aid (also referred to as Foreign Military Financing or FMF). The U.S. government also gave $619.8 million for “joint” U.S.-Israel missile defense programs (designed to protect Israeli territory from potential outside threats), bringing total military aid to Israel to $3.7 billion per year.

Put another way, American taxpayers give Israel $10.2 million per day (in 2015).

Over the last 20 years, the U.S. has been slowly phasing out economic aid to Israel and gradually replacing it with increased military aid. In 2007, the Bush Administration and the Israeli government agreed to a 10-year, $30 billion military aid package FY 2009 to FY 2018. In 2012, the U.S. began giving Israel $3.1 billion a year (or an average of $8.5 million a day) and promised to provide that amount every year through FY 2018. During a March 2013 visit to Israel, President Obama promised to continue to provide multi-year commitments of military aid to the Israeli government (subject to the approval of Congress).


Israel is by far the largest recipient of U.S. foreign military aid (see how other nations compare). According to the CRS report, the President’s request for Israel for FY 2015 will encompass approximately 53% of total U.S. foreign military financing worldwide. The report continues, “[a]nnual FMF grants to Israel represent 20% of the overall Israeli defense budget. Israel has the highest percentage in the world of defense expenditure as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product (5.6%).”

Contrary to ordinary U.S. policy, Israel has been and continues to be allowed to use approximately 26% of this military aid to purchase equipment from Israeli manufacturers. According to CRS, “no other recipient of U.S. military assistance has been granted this benefit.” Thanks in part to this indirect U.S. subsidy, Israel’s arms industry has become one of the strongest in the world. “Between 2001 and 2008, it was the 7th largest arms supplier to the world with sales worth a total of 9.9 billion.”

The United States also contributes funds for a joint U.S.-Israeli Missile Defense Program designed to thwart short-range missiles and rockets fired by non-state actors (such as Hamas and Hezbollah) as well as mid- and longer-range ballistic missiles (this refers to Iran and/or Syria’s arsenals). Arrow II, Arrow III, David’s Sling, and Iron Dome refer to different projects under the umbrella of this Missile Defense program. In 2015, the U.S. spent $619.8 million on these programs and plans to spend between $371 and $487 million in 2016 (depending on Congressional approval).

By all accounts the United States has given more money to Israel than to any other country. TheCongressional Research Service’s conservative estimate of total cumulative US aid to Israel (not adjusted for inflation) from 1949 through 2015 is $124.3 billion.

An October 2013 Washington Report article “A Conservative Estimate of Total Direct U.S. Aid to Israel: $130 Billion,” by Shirl McArthur, puts the cumulative total even higher.

According to McArthur, “[T]he indirect or consequential costs to the American taxpayer as a result of Washington’s blind support for Israel exceed by many times the amount of direct U.S. aid to Israel. Some of these ‘indirect or consequential’ costs would include the costs to U.S. manufacturers of the Arab boycott, the costs to U.S. companies and consumers of the Arab oil embargo and consequent soaring oil prices as a result of U.S. support for Israel in the 1973 war, and the costs of U.S. unilateral economic sanctions on Iran, Iraq, Libya and Syria. (For a discussion of these larger costs, see ‘The Costs to American Taxpayers of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: $3 Trillion,’ by the late Thomas R. Stauffer, June 2003 Washington Report, p. 20.)”

Source: The Congressional Research Service’s Report “U.S. Foreign Aid to the Palestinians”, written by Jim Zanotti, Analyst in Middle Eastern Affairs, dated July 3, 2014.


Israel has been founded on many well-known myths and lies. Toping the list of these typical myths and lies are the following ten:

1. That Jews are the “Chosen People of God.”

2. That Palestine is “The Promised Land from God” for Jews only (despite the fact that Christianity was born there).

3. That the “Promised Land for Jews extends from the Nile to the Euphrates.”

4. That Jews have been “homeless” for the last 2,000 years until Israel was created for them in 1948.

5. That the creation of Israel in 1948 has been a “fulfillment of a Biblical prophecy.”

6. That Arabs have “hated” Jews for the last 2,000 years (despite the fact that Arabs have always been composed of Muslims, Christians, and Jews).

7. That Palestine was “an empty land” that did not have any Arab inhabitants when the Western the Zionist Jews created Israel on its land in 1948.

8. That Jews were not “allowed” to practice their religion freely in Palestine before Israel was created in 1948.

9. That Israel is a “democratic” and “peaceful” country (even though it has waged many brutal and expansionist wars against the Arabs, has systematically killed and uprooted the native Arab Christians and Muslims from their historical homeland of Palestine, and has stolen their properties and businesses for the last 57 years).

10. That Nazi Germany committed a “holocaust” by “gassing and/or incinerating six million Jews” during World War II.

While there are many Westerners who do not agree with at least one of the above first 9 myths, most people in the West generally accept the last Jewish/Zionist claim about the so-called “holocaust” without any challenge as if it were a “divine truth”. This holocaust hoax has been bought and sold by educated and uneducated Westerners alike, whether they are from the far right (such as Christian fundamentalists), or from the so-called “moderates”, or even from the far left (such as socialists and communists).

The word “holocaust” means an extensive destruction of humans by other humans resulting in the massive loss of life, especially by fire. However, the so-called “holocaust” by Nazi Germany against Jews is actually based on two major lies.

The first lie says that the Nazis killed “6 million” Jews. Because this figure is extremely exaggerated, it is a lie (see below for some reasonable and unbiased estimates).

The second lie says that these “6 million” Jews were rounded up and then “gassed” or “burned” alive. Again, this is a lie because there is no proof whatsoever that any live Jew was ever “gassed” or “burned” in any “gas chambers” or “crematories” in Nazi Germany.

Only those people who had died of dangerous infectious diseases such as typhoid (whether Jews or non-Jews) were burned or cremated in Nazi Germanyin order to avoid epidemics. The number of these infected burned dead is much smaller than the “6,000,000” legend. It was a common and legal practice by Nazi Germany and other countries to burn or cremate dead people infected with fatal communicable diseases to avoid infecting the living. No one has ever declared this kind of practice to be illegal.

On the other hand, those Jews who were killed by Nazi conventional means (i.e., not gassed, and not burned) were no more special than the other overwhelming majority of non-Jewish victims who were also similarly killed by the same Nazi conventional means. Since the killing of non-Jews at the hands of the Nazis is not considered by anyone to be a “holocaust”, why then should the killing of Jews by Nazi conventional means constitute a “holocaust”?

There is no doubt whatsoever that it was from this so-called “holocaust” (more than anything else) that Zionism has gained its wide popular acceptance and sympathy throughout the west. With the help of the British and U.S. government, this in turn led to the brutal creation of the alien State of Israel over the land of Arab Palestine in 1948 at the extremely tragic expense of innocent Muslim, Christian natives and Palestinians, as well as the hijacking of everyone’s better judgment around the world and the constant milking of United States’ citizens.


Lady Michelle Jennifer Santos is the Chief Visionary Founder and Owner of TheSantosRepublic. A motivational speaker, she also specialises in high finance, commodities, strategy and geopolitics. Her Twitter is @mj_santos and Facebook/ladymjsantos

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